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Cowboy Enterprises, LLC




Safe, Healthy, and Smart


How It Works


The grate floats on top of the hay and goes down as the horse eats. The grate is held in place by heavy-duty fabric.


The Savvy Feeder holds up to 18lbs of grass hay or up to 23lbs of thick hay such as alfalfa.


Your horse doesn't need that much per feeding? No worries - just put in the amount of hay that your horse needs. It works just as well with 10 lbs of hay.


Your horse will enjoy their forage 4 to 10 times longer than if thrown on the ground or floor.



Health & Cost Benefits


The Savvy Feeder's health and cost benefits add up: 

  • Reduce the chance of ingesting sand, manure, urine-soaked bedding, rocks, parasites - you name it; the Savvy Feeder keeps the hay up off the ground.
  • Allows your horse to forage in a natural head-down position, creating correct jaw alignment & chewing motion, and reduced risk of guttural pouch infection.
  • Creates contentment and calmness when eating; eliminating boredom, nervousness, and frustration.
  • Prolongs feeding about 4-10 times as long as eating off the ground, reducing the chance of ulcers.
  • No more seeing costly hay blow away by the wind, or getting stomped on by our picky eaters!
  • Spend time riding instead of cleaning up that pile of wasted hay!
  • Reduce the chance of picking up the strangles bacteria, or other viruses by keeping your horse's hay contained.
  • And best of all, it's SAFE! The grate is slightly flexible and is designed to give if a shoe or a foot was to catch. If there is an extreme pressure, the grate will pop out of the feeder. We all know that accidents can happen and that no feeder is 'fool-proof' but we sure have done our best to make this the safest hay feeder possible. We use Savvy Feeders with our own herd, 24/7, 365.


Where To Use


The best places to use the Savvy Feeder are:  

  • in the stall
  • at home,
  • at the show
  • on the road
  • while camping
  • out in the paddock

The feeder is light enough (25 lbs) for anyone to pick up and take along.


The Feeder Measures:

  • 24" square at the bottom
  • 20" square at the top
  • 18" tall


Why We Love Our Feeder


There are several reasons to love the Savvy Feeder, but here are our favorite reasons: 

  • The Savvy Feeder comes in several colors
  • Metal nameplates can be personally engraved
  • It only weighs 25 lbs - it's super easy to take along
  • Incredibly durable - This workhorse of a feeder is made of a strong, slightly flexible high tech poly material that horses just can't destroy - even in the cold winters of North Dakota! (Video of the feeder vs the Bobcat soon to be released)
  • The grate is made out of the same safe, slightly flexible poly material - no chipped teeth here!

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©2020 Cowboy Enterprises, LLC  |  P.O. Box 2525 |  Elizabeth, CO 80107

Shawna L Jarvis  (720) 253-6468